Essay outlines for college
Fuel Definition Chemistry
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Private Tutor Jobs and Governess Jobs
Private Tutor Jobs and Governess JobsPrivate tutoring is a convenient option for parents who are looking for something to make some extra money and want their children to have an experienced tutor. There are lots of government, and private tutoring agencies that will allow you to hire a tutor.Nowadays, parents are more inclined to enroll their children in schools or daycare centers so they can learn to read and write. Most often, the parent wants their child to be proficient in reading, writing, and basic math skills. Having a competent tutor is very important to help your child accomplish these goals. There are some alternatives if you are looking for private tutoring and governess jobs.When you go to hire a service provider, it's important to find out if you can use the services of a tutor who has a license to practice. You may have to pay fees to the tutoring agency. Sometimes, the fees for the service provider will vary from place to place. You may also have to pay to the agency for the tutor's transportation.The other alternative is to enroll your child in public or government childcare centers. Private tutors and governess jobs are often offered to parents who choose this route. You'll have to pay more for the tutoring services.If you don't care for the idea of having a private tutor or don't want to pay for an agency, you can always go to the public school to give your child an education. In most cases, your child will be enrolled in a private tutor and governess jobs. While you can get private tutoring, you'll have to pay a fee. This is for the fee of the private tutor, not the fee for the tutoring services.Sometimes, you can't always find the time to enroll your child in private schooling. That's why a very popular option for parents who need help with school is to go to government schools. There are government preschools, public daycare, and even tax-funded preschools.If you find yourself needing to send your child to public school, then going to gove rnment tutoring is a viable option. Private tutoring is just an option if you aren't interested in attending a government school. Your child's private tutor and governess jobs won't be limited to private schools or childcare centers.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Guessing - Private Tutoring
Guessing BobbiM Mar 25, 2014 Ever had to guess on a test? Scary right? Of course youâll find that you have to occasionally guess on tests. But you should never just guess at random. Narrowing down the answer choices first is imperative. Otherwise, your odds of getting the right answer will be pretty slim. Follow this plan when you guess: 1. Eliminate answer choices you know are wrong. Even if you donât know the right answer, you can often tell that some of the answer choices are wrong. For instance, on Date Sufficiency questions, you can eliminate at least two answer choices by determining the sufficiency of one statement, 2. Avoid answer choices that make you suspicious. These are the answer choices that just âlook wrongâ or conform to a common wrong-answer type. For example, if only one of the answer choices in a Problem Solving question is negative, chances are that it will be incorrect. 3. Choose one of the remaining answer choices.
Everything You Need To Know About Online Graduate Programs
Everything You Need To Know About Online Graduate Programs How Many Students are Pursuing Online Degrees? A surprising number of students are pursuing online degrees and it is becoming a more common and accepted practice with each passing year. The 2015 Survey of Online Learning conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group found the following findings: More than one in four students (28%) now take at least one distance education course The total of 5.8 million Fall 2014 distance education students was composed of 2.85 million taking all of their courses at a distance and 2.97 million taking some, but not all, distance courses. Public institutions command the largest portion of distance education students, with 72.7% of all undergraduate and 38.7% of all graduate-level distance students. Public institutions command the largest portion of distance education students, with 72.7% of all undergraduate and 38.7% of all graduate-level distance students. âThe growth of distance enrollments has been relentless,â said study co-author Julia E. Seaman, research director of the Babson Survey Research Group. âThey have gone up when the economy was expanding, when the economy was shrinking, when overall enrollments were growing, and now when overall enrollments are shrinkingâ¦. While the rapid pace of online learning growth has moderated, it still accounts for nearly three-quarters of all US higher educationâs enrollment increases last year.â And as for online graduate programs? A 2016 annual survey of online college students conducted by the Learning House and Aslanian Market Research showed that online learning is one of the largest and fastest-growing segments of higher education with 3.5 million students, of whom 74% are 25 or older. If you are interested in pursuing online graduate studies, do not be daunted! You are by no means alone. You yourself could be one of the students enrolling in an online graduate program! Are online masterâs degrees credible? This is a major question that many students interested in potentially enrolling in online graduate programs have. If they take the time, apply, get accepted, enroll, take the courses, and get it all done in order to graduate, will their degree really be worth anything? The short answer is maybe. That may not be very confidence inspiring, but there are just a few important factors that will influence whether the online masterâs degree you are interested in is credible or not. Most human resource professionals, who do the bulk of hiring, are more likely to find an online masterâs degree more credible if it is from a college or university with a respected reputation built around the traditional, on-campus model. Another important factor is whether or not the graduate program you are interested in is accredited or not. We will discuss what accreditation is in more detail further down the line as well! What is most important to take away, however, is that most colleges and universities make little to no distinction between degrees, bachelors or masters, earned through distance learning and those earned on campus. Do masters programs need to be accredited? In order to know if the masters program you are interested in enrolling in needs to be accredited, you need to understand what being accredited means. According to US News World Report, âAccreditation is a process conducted by an outside authority to ensure that a school and degree program meet certain standards of quality and rigor. Online, blended and on-campus degree programs can all be accredited. While its voluntary, accreditation has many benefits and, in many ways, validates a program to employers and other colleges or universities⦠Legitimate online degree programs are accredited by agencies recognized by either the Department of Education or the nonprofit Council for Higher Education Accreditation, known as CHEA.â Being accredited is a very important aspect of choosing what online graduate program to enroll in. You should definitely enroll in an online graduate program that is not accredited with much caution and it is not recommended as the best course of action. Stick to the safe side and enroll in a program that is accredited, which employers will approve of. It will make it much easier for you to get hired if your online masterâs degree comes from an accredited program rather than one that is not. Being enrolled in an accredited program will also qualify you for federal financial aid, should that be a consideration for you. What happens if a school loses accreditation after you graduate? As discussed, accreditation is incredibly important. And you did you due diligence and made sure the programs you chose were accredited. Then you did the thingâ"you applied, were accepted, did the work, and graduatedâ"when boom! Your college loses its accreditation. What does this mean for you? When a collegiate program loses its accreditation, it is not good for the school. It means that the school and program did not meet minimum education standards, meaning that it does not adequately prepare its students. When accreditation is lost, often the school has to shut down. This is because without their accreditation, the federal government will not provide the school with any funding (they usually do not provide any financial aid to post-secondary institutions as a rule). This funding is what keeps most schools afloat, and so without it, they will have to close their doors. Other schools will be hard pressed to accept credits from a school that became unaccredited should a student need to transfer if their program is shut down as a result of the loss of accreditation because they feel like the students may not have been sufficiently prepared or taught in the classes they took at such a place. And if a school does not close and a student is able to barrel through and graduate from their program, despite the lack of accreditation, employers will be hesitant to hire them. Often, they will be nervous that this graduate was not sufficiently trained in a program like that and could end up being a potential liability because of it. HOWEVER. If you already graduated from a program, and you got your degree from the institution while it was still accredited, you should be fine. Just make sure this distinction is made clear to your potential employers when applying, especially if the loss of accreditation happened close to the time that you ended up graduating from the program. It was accredited at the time that you graduated, which is what really matters. Infographic by Danielle Wirsasnky How long do online masterâs degrees take? This question can be a little bit harder to answer, but that may actually be one of the benefits of getting your masterâs degree online! Many potential students interested in this kind of program are looking for programs that will offer them flexibility, whether that be from where they can study, the hours they can study, and more. So often a program will cater to you and your needs and you can finish the program at the pace you need to in order to get it all done. Typically, an on-campus, in-person, and full-time student enrolled in a masterâs program can complete their studies within two years. This means that in an online program, you can go at the pace you want, whether than be accelerated or slowed down. Often, you do not have to be a full-time student either when completing online graduate programs as well. This is a great option for someone who wants or needs to continue working, has health issues that stop them from taking arduous course loads, is raising a family, or has other large and time-consuming responsibilities to uphold while pursuing their graduate degree. So, if you need more than two years to finish your masters, that can definitely be arranged. And if you are interested in an accelerated program, focusing solely on your school work and getting it done as soon as possible so you can move on in your career or whatever other personal reason you want or need it for, you can arrange that as well. It might be possible to get the coursework done in a year or in eighteen months if you hustle. However, some programs do have cohorts, where it means that students that come into a program and start it at the same time must stay together as a group and proceed at the same pace. If this is something you are not interested, make sure to find a program without that requirement. Is there a difference between a non-profit and for-profit school? This is an important distinction to understand. For-profit schools often have a stigma, which carries over onto students that graduate from their programs. But before you rule out a for-profit school, you should understand what the stigma comes from and how you think it might affect you if a for-profit schoolâs program interests you. A for-profit school is basically in the education game for profit, as its name implies. They need to make money off of their students, so often their focus is on recruiting students without offering them the resources they need to navigate their programs adequately. In recent years, governments have been scrutinizing such organizations because students that graduate from these programs often do so with overwhelming amounts of student debt. The Institute for College Access Success reported that eighty-eight percent of for-profit students took out student loans in 2012 versus 66 percent of students at public schools, as well as that students at for-profit schools graduated with higher debt loads. For-profit schools usually justify their steep tuition prices by claiming that they give students from low-income families or who had poorer grades in school the option to go to a school that is flexible to their needs. But more often, these types of institutions are accused of preying on students that feel that they have no other options to attend school (they might not be accepted at other institutions) and then extort them with crazy expensive tuition and a sub-par education that does not truly prepare them for the real world. Not for profit schools are either public or private colleges and universities. The tuition that they charge simply covers the cost of learning and is not meant to turn over a profit for the school. They often receive federal funding as well to keep them afloat and so while tuition may be high at these institutions as well, it is seen as more acceptable. Learning and understanding the travails of your online graduate school options is incredibly important so that you can make an informed decision. Be sure to scour the web and find programs that not only fit all of your requirements (like being accredited or offering the program you want at the speed you need) but also are interesting to you and will truly help you to accomplish your dreams!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Why Tutoring Works
Why Tutoring Works Allow me to start with a confession: Iâm proud to say that I have been tutored.Being a student at Emory University comes with a lot of privileges and a lot of pressure. I meet many students who arenât living up to their own expectations of what a âgood studentâ is, or maybe their parentsâ expectations of what that might look like. Many such students also resent going to teachers during office hours or seeking tutors to help explain more difficult topics. Why, you ask? They are ashamed. They are embarrassed.Being a student at Emory University means that you have gone from being one of the smartest, most intelligent, hard working, individuals in your high school to being, well, average. It is a long way to fall.Emory students are not used to asking for help, in fact, they are not used to needing help. Thatâs what college is all about: self-realization. The moment you realize you need help is the moment you become, in my eyes, a âgood student.â A good student works hard, yes, but more importantly, a good student realizes when they need help: they have study skills.For me, it was calculus. I am a writer, a scientist, an athlete, and maybe even a statistician on a good day, but I am not a mathematician. The problems began in high school: I spent long hours working through algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and statistics, but I avoided calculus like the plague.I was fairly certain that no path I wa s ever going to go down would require calculus. My dad said you couldnât consider yourself âeducatedâ unless you had taken calculus. I begged to differ, and differ I did. That is, until I went to college and decided to become pre-med, along with 70% of Emoryâs freshman class (not a real percentage, but surely not far off if one were to take a poll of the incoming class). Most medical schools require a semester to a year of a math, which includes calculus (insert ominous background music here). So, like a good student, I waited until summer to I devote my undivided attention to taking calculus and relearning all the high school math I had so diligently forgotten.I chose to take calculus at UC Berkeley since it was close to home. After the first day, I knew it was going to be a long summer. My mom realized it, too, and offered to find me a tutor. I held my tongue and nodded. The next day, my new tutor arrived. As if having a tutor wasnât humbling enough, he was also three ye ar younger than me and absolutely brilliant. I wish I could say the summer flew by and I aced all my calculus tests.This is where I have to insert the disclaimer that tutors are not magic, they canât take your tests for you (as much as you wish they could) and they canât swap brains with you (though Iâm a Neuroscience major and Iâm working on that part). What my tutor did do for me was help me understand concepts and work through problems that I would have given up on, had I been working on my own. My tutor improved my study skills. While, my tutor couldnât fix all my math woes, he certainly assuaged them, and summer proceeded at a tolerable pace. My sophomore year brought organic chemistry. This time, I knew what to do: I had a tutor set up within the first week of classes!Since I tutor all ages, I will be the first to say that you absolutely should not wait until college to seek tutors. Had I been smart enough to get help earlier on in my math career, I surely would not have struggled as much with calculus as I did. Or, at the least, I would not have had to devote an entire summer to it.The earlier that you, as a student, realize that seeking tutoring is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength, the sooner you can become a better student. When I did well in organic chemistry it was never because I was smarter, or even that I studied more, it was because I was (and am) a âgood studentâ: I know enough to know when I need help.It is not embarrassing to have a tutor. What is embarrassing is doing poorly in a class because you let your pride get in the way of your education. The next time you find yourself struggling with a class or concept, make yourself proud: ask for help (you can brag about your super cool tutor later).
Yingtan No.1 High School
Yingtan No.1 High School Yingtan No.1 High School Yingtan No.1 High School is located at the Capital of Taoism - the City of Yingtan. It was founded in 1956 and is one of Key Secondary Schools in Jiangxi Province and is ranked into Top 100 secondary schools in China several times. The school has 248 teachers, 40 of them have Masters degree. The school has about4500 as of 2016. The campus is one of the biggest in the province and has a land sizeof58 acres, all classrooms have projectors, high speedinternet, pc, etc. Yingtan No.1 High Schoolhas wonone Gold Medal in International Math Olympiad and one Gold Medal in International Chemistry Olympiad, respectively. It has won the Provincial Mens Basketball Champion once, and Acrobat Tournament 1st prize once. The Taekwondo team has won 2 silver medals and 7 bronze medals in the national tournaments. The Robotics Team has won two gold medal and one bronze medal in the National Robotics Competition. The school joined AMC Club China in 2009 and was the only school in Jiangxi Province at that time.
Teach Away Telegram - February 2008
Teach Away Telegram - February 2008 Welcome to the Teach Away Newsletter! We hope to keep you informed about teaching jobs around the world; tips about teaching, travel and stories from our teachers.Your comments are always greatly appreciated. Thank you for your interest. A special thanks to all Teach Away teachers who are currently abroad! Keep up the good work!Why Teach Abroad...Going abroad is without a doubt an experience of a lifetime! Explore a new culture, pay off your student loans, and gain valuable international experience that is sure to make your resume glow. People decide to embark on this journey for a number of reasons - among the top 3 are:1. Opportunity2. Awareness3. PassionTeaching abroad offers you the opportunity to experience a new culture first hand while gaining valuable work experience. If you want the opportunity to see the world and make money at the same time, then teaching abroad may be the right job for you.Teaching abroad will allow you to become a global citizen. For one, to be internat ionally aware of other cultures creates inner growth. Faced with the challenges of living and working in a foreign country will make you more independent, improve your communications skills and increase your survival skills. Plus, being a global citizen looks amazing on your resume! It proves that you are a highly adaptable person.For most however, passion is the main reason for choosing to teach abroad. Whether you are passionate about travel, adventure, education, or teaching profession alone, going abroad is by far the best way to feed that desire. Fully immersing yourself into a local culture can give you the experience that no text book can successfully provide.It is a big beautiful world! Go explore it with Teach Away.Interview Tips and TechniquesGetting invited to an interview is a sign that your potential employer is interested in hiring you. Make the most of these quick techniques to help you make the best impression!Phone Interviews:1. Dress nicely - studies have shown tha t people who dress professionally give better phone interviews2. Speak slowly and clearly - don't ramble on, have concise to-the-point answers3. Turn off your call waiting (if you pick up that second line, it means that you are not interested in the job)4. Be a good listener - the person interviewing you may want to tell you more about their job or services, listening will ensure that you get all the necessary factsIn-person Interviews:1. Dress professionally, first impressions count!2. Relax and be yourself3. Make eye contact with all people present4. Don't waste time - discuss things that are not on your resume5. Follow up - an email or a phone call following your interview will solidify your intentions to get the jobDOs1. Be on time! (but not too early)2. Do your homework (the more you know about the the job, the more productive your interview will be)3. Take your time - think through your answers before giving a response4. Give a firm handshake am learning my fourth language an d found talents that I never knew I had. I've become an avid photographer, started learning my second instrument (guitar) & had the chance to meet amazing people. It has been an excellent experience so far.Click here to read more about Masoud teaching in Korea...
Tacking a Homeschool Curriculum
Tacking a Homeschool CurriculumTackling the Florida homeschool curriculum is a daunting task, especially for those who are not fully equipped with all the knowledge of learning homeschool. These issues are not in any way restricted to new homeschoolers, but old ones too who may have done homeschool before.Tacking a homeschool curriculum can be a very daunting task if you do not have an idea as to what you are going to learn or how you are going to go about it. This is because homeschool curriculum tends to be different for every child. The reason why this is true is because each child is unique and has their own individuality.Tacking a homeschool curriculum is best accomplished when one has an idea on what he or she intends to teach. One can check out all the programs for homeschool that have been set by other homeschooling parents. This will help one prepare with the curriculum for homeschool.When one begins to study in the classroom one can expect to be challenged a lot. The first thing that he or she should do is start identifying their strengths. It is a good idea to research the program which is recommended by the state.After choosing the program that is most suitable, it is important that one ensures that one has all the basic educational needs covered by the curriculum. Students should be taught to read, write, and speak. Teachers can also be found at all levels, whether they are teachers of first grade or high school level.One should also find out about the accommodations that one will have while learning the curriculum in a classroom. One will find that there are options available for this. Many Florida homeschooling curriculums allow parents to enroll their children in day care facilities, family and friends homes, public schools, and private homes. The curriculum that is taught will differ with each individual child. Before beginning any homeschool curriculum, it is very important that one feels comfortable with it. This is because it is a major comm itment which one will make for a long time, and one should be comfortable with the work that he or she is doing.
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